Staff take p..p..part in fun run dressed as p..p..penguins

Cameron Urquhart, Ian Calvert, Philippa Dyson, Hazel Sellens, Alex Krzesinski and Liz Henry.Cameron Urquhart, Ian Calvert, Philippa Dyson, Hazel Sellens, Alex Krzesinski and Liz Henry.
Cameron Urquhart, Ian Calvert, Philippa Dyson, Hazel Sellens, Alex Krzesinski and Liz Henry.
Staff from Halifax-based YES Energy Solutions donned their penguin suits for the Big Fun Run challenge in Sheffield last Sunday, having pledged their support to the international charity Renewable World.

The money they have raised will go towards helping remote communities in developing nations access clean, green sustainable energy.

The team smashed their £500 fundraising target two days before the race, giving the penguins the motivation they needed to waddle over the finish line.

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Collectively, the team completed the 5K event in less than 35 minutes, coming ahead of hundreds of competitors.

Alex Krzesinski, who heads up YES Energy Solutions’ marketing team, came up with the penguin run concept. He explained: “We were keen to do a charity fundraiser but wanted to do something fun and original.

“Our company mascot is a penguin so it seemed like the obvious choice for a fancy dress costume.

“I’m so pleased everyone was up for it and got behind the team.

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“We’ve raised over £500 for a great cause which will help reduce poverty through renewable energy – something we are proud to support.”

YES Energy Solutions is a community interest company committed to helping people cut their carbon footprint through heating, renewable energy and home insulation improvements.

The company was originally established by Kirklees Council to manage multiple affordable warmth programmes.