“It’s asking for trouble” says head teacher of primary school beset by dangerous drivers

Head Teacher Jill Elam with children at Shelf J&I School, concerned about traffic speeding and parking around the schoolHead Teacher Jill Elam with children at Shelf J&I School, concerned about traffic speeding and parking around the school
Head Teacher Jill Elam with children at Shelf J&I School, concerned about traffic speeding and parking around the school
Dangerous drivers are putting the safety of pupils at risk, the head teacher of a Halifax primary school has warned.

Drop-off and pick-up times at the school have been beset by motorists driving dangerously outside the school on Shelf Hall Lane, prompting the head to speak out.

Jill Elam, who has been head teacher at the school since January, said: “The school has tried to do patrols outside, but it’s a very narrow road, which makes it very tricky when people park on both sides of the road.

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“Some parents park irresponsibly sometimes picking children up from school and parking on the pavement, half on the road and half off the road, making people go round the cars.

Shelf J&I SchoolShelf J&I School
Shelf J&I School

People not adhering to the speed limit, which is 20mph, but people come up the road very quickly, and sometimes drive on the pavement to go round the cars.

“It’s asking for trouble.

“We’re working with the local PCSO and there are traffic wardens on patrol. But when they come, everyone parks sensibly, and the next day it’s back to the same issues.

Residents are sometimes blocked in by cars, and when they ask them to be moved, they get abused.”

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Jill fears it will take an accident to happen before something is done about the problem.

“We have been doing practical work with children, trying to train the parents about why this is so dangerous.

“We go out and do patrols outside, we’ve mentioned it in our newsletter regularly asking parents to be more thoughtful about parking.

“Residents are also concerned about people sitting in their cars for 20 minutes or half-an-hour with their engines idling.

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“We have a banner on the school gate about the dangers it causes to children’s health and the environment.

“I would ask them to think really carefully about what could happen as a result of their dangerous driving and parking. They could be putting a child’s life at risk.

“We wouldn’t ever want a child to be injured or hurt because of this. it could be their child or grandchild.”

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